the first is for alvin b. petrie. alvin worked for the port for 29 years from september 1953 to july 1982. works as a dredge lever man and a deck hand and retired as the retired port head dredge leverman in 1982. he passed away in august at the age of 93. he was the father of two including mike who is a port worker. he's the grandfather of six and a greet grandfather of eight so in addition to seeing an immense amount of change along the san francisco waterfront in his years at the port he also saw a tremendous growth in his family so we wish his family our heart felt condolences and in particular to our colleague will mike petree and i want to remember zeke grader who is the executive director of the pacific coast federation of fishermen's association. he was a long time advocate for commercial fishing who fought to project fish as well as the people that catch them and he passed away at the age of 68. he played a very important role in keeping the fish in fisherman's wharf and an advocate for san francisco fishing i