—— how much alvin kurti's his much alvin kurti's cement his and take the country power and take the countryral commission and - forward? we get updates on the| central commission and - are central commission and they are all over the place at bouncing all over the place at the moment, but we have had themomentrbutrwe have had parties out opposition parties coming out saying that they believe and saying that they believe opposition has win w’énli“ " ' "7 ianidithat ' w ianidithatthey ' w waanwthawtwthey wiu to form stark. teaetner te farm a that is aarh taaatnar ta farm a that is their home, government. that is their home, whether that is shown in the final that is another final results, that is another matter. for kurti, if matter. for alvin kurti, if his party has quite the same £27: w of seats he w "ago; w "add time round, 57 seats in last time round. 57 seats in 120 seat national assembly, is quite dirricuiit is quite diiiicuiit to it is quite difficult to see path to forming a his path to forming a majority government, because of his approach, it does not tend to feel} w w withwelewerlw