. >> hinojosa: had alvin poussaint helping to "decode/recode" blackness for america. >> well, he wanted to make sure that things were correct, you know? he wanted to make sure that any references we made-- even the slight thing about rudy having a cough and her father getting her to take the cough syrup-- that nothing was askew even to slightly suggest something that a child could take in the wrong way. he was... he had tremendous, and still does, tremendous respect for his audience's intelligence, and he used to say this all the time: "the audience is not stupid. we're not going to have stupid people on this show." >> hinojosa: and now when you look at television, phylicia, you know, i'm... and i know that you've spoken about, for example, some of the family sitcoms, and i'm a mom, you know? and when i see these family sitcoms and these kids kind of answering back to their parents, and i'm like, "hmm?" what do you see? what goes on in your heart when you're watching television these days? >> television and some film. it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. i was watching something last night