not only on this project, but alwork in conjunction with apple and the mayor's office the bond recyclingd to date v additional $250 million tax exempt s, ■would go unused, accept for this partnership. we are really proth relationship with the mayor's office of housing community throug our mixed income program and aga to date, we have delivered 320million of subsidy funds across the state which reedmost 10 thousand units for low and errnns and this is prime example of the inclusive community we are trying to create ai low and moderate income californians. we would again thank the mayor office, tndc, bank of america, and the state treasurer office financing scr i like to turn it over now to lori dunn. i didn't google you before hand. [laughter] >> good morning. my name is lori dunn the vice prt division manager for swinergon in the bay area. this has been an amazing journey. we feel fortunate to deliver over 200 units to tocisco. we are a community builder and we really apprat opportunity to not only construct a beautiful building,s but to also to the community. we know how