alyana gomez shows us six things you shouldn't give to your pets in healthbeat four. << this thanksgiving, let your pet try something new but don't let it be from your plate. a lot of the delicious foods we eat on turkey day can be a recipe for disaster for your pets. (sot: christina delgado, veterinarian) "the best thing you can feed your dog is dog food" christina delgado is a shelter veterinarian and helped break down all the do's and donts when it comes to human food. (sot: christina delgado, veterinarian) "we don't recommend that you feed your animals stuffing. a lot of stuffing has scallions, garlic, onions- all three of those components are toxic to animals and they can cause what is an anemia" because of the garlic that means mashed potatoes are also out of the question. and - salads that contain grapes or raisins can be toxic too. add ham to that list as well. the most dangerous thing you could give your pet? bird bones... and yes that means turkey. (sot: christina delgado, veterinarian) "it can actually penetrate through the stomach or the intestines and can potentially cause a