. >> nicole and alyssa cordova, every book according to markey ross as its own marketing and publicity strategy. how do you develop that? >> we start by, each book has a publicist assigned to it and we talked to editorial. we look at what it is about this book that's going to sell. that the news is going to want to talk about. it's going to make people click links. we put together a plan and a strategy and a lot of that is what's tied to happening in the news that's relevant to the topic of the book. we get on a call with the author, we talked it out. Ãout some ideas and then usually half of it works out if we are lucky so we are really collaborative here as a team and we bringan author and a lot of their involvement . >> it's important to click on a link, i heard. >> yes, i think a lot of, we do in the digital marketing side is on facebook and we do it a lot on facebook. people are sort of immune to advertising that looks like advertising so a lot of our job is figuring out how to put out content about the book and get people driving traffic to amazon and our website, driving traffic