. -- i am neuretoc. it is interesting to see how people react to new technologies. looking at electricity -- people were afraid of electricity. it is normal. radiation -- we were not afraid of radiation. because i do not know, this had easy solutions. it does not cost me anything. are there or are there not harmful effects? i can use the cell phone. i can keep the cell phone far away from my head? >> what about the use of bluetooth? >> i think it is important. i think it is important. as there is not information. >> who funded the study? >> we have -- the national institute of drug abuse. my laboratory as part of the national institute of all of use. -- alcohol abuse. >> so, fully funded by the u.s. taxpayer? >> there is no private company. >> dr. nora volkow is the director of the national institute on drug abuse. she also conducted a recent study on cell phone abuse. you can find that online. and now joining us, dr. kenneth foster, a bioengineering professor at the university of pennsylvania who was done a lot of research on radio frequency imaging. we've been tal