across sudan the demonstrations were initially over bread price rises but soon shifted to cause for amal bashir to step down then in april bashir was removed from office by the army but protests continued with people demanding civilian rule because he asians between protest leaders and the military would being held then on june the security forces moved in on protesters camped outside the military headquarters the army say 61 people were killed but the opposition says that real number is 128. now the agreement signed in ha today establishes a joint civilian military council that will rule the country for a little over 3 gives while in the actions of being organized a military leader will head the 11 member council for the 1st 21 months followed by a civilian leader for the next 18. and for war and us i'd like to bring in a abraham and reporter from sudan recently just before purchased is. removed from that military headquarters sit in. so what is the essence of the power sharing agreement that's been signed into today i mean basically is that it is a power sharing agreement it's by no means an