faly sinesses, fily farms, i know it's difficult for me folks when yu're olooking at amall perntage, aut less than 2% of aricans now th makthr livelihoods fr yo local countfairs and you to looat thes implements that- and e cost, when you're talking about a $425,000 cne witonad, you're looking atouple hundred thousand dollarsor a tctor, yostart adding all these piecesf machery up if youot $million you're rich. most farmers at i know are land rich and cash poor. and what happens in a lot of cases or a small sinesswhat hey ha to do? nu one, okey have to start estate pnning early on. whys ithat, you kw, and i'm an attorney byrade, but when y talking about tt we have to tell the amican people they have spend millionand billions of dollars when it comes to estate anning or ing the taxes every year, we should simplify th al shouldn't be taking what they've work hard r. and when people are outer thig, is it going to be woh in e end? if we get to a point in this untry where people e ing to say, yoknow what, if the gornmt's going to takit in the end and i can't pass it on, what are they going