aviva boss amanda blanc, recently voted the sunday times businessperson of the year, stepped down inard. what she said in her resignation speech hasn't been revealed until now. we've discovered she described her shock at the board asking if she had enough business experience for the role, and warned about the treatment of some women in the organisation. she said that she was beyond disappointed with the review into the women's game and that it verged on being insulting towards women. she referenced a meeting held to discuss an allegation of bullying of a female member of staff, but that the board spent most of their time talking about how to defend the man accused. and she said she was staggered to hear about an elected wru member say that women should know their place in the kitchen and stick to the ironing, and that some board members felt it unfair to take too many free tickets away from him as a sanction. she also warned that when it came to equality, diversity and inclusion, they were sitting on a ticking time bomb. that doesn't surprise me. i find it abhorrent that you cannot p