amanda carter is on set with us this morning. she is the founder of debt and cash management. good to have you on our show today. > > thank you for having me. > > how severe of a problem is it for military people as far as their finances? > > on a level from 1 to 10, i would say about an 11. > > wow. just that bad? what did you see out there? > > i started off working at payday loan companies, and i worked for just about every payday loan company you could name, i've worked for. you would see soldiers, they go over to iraq and afghanistan and they serve, and they get a bonus when they come back. the first vultures that would hit would be a car-lot company, because they would be like, "oh, i know you have a bonus. come get this shiny new car and don't worry about the interest rate, just give us all your bonus money and go from there." so that would start the first stressor. so then now their in the reality that they're back in the states and they're not getting paid as much as they were overseas, so then they're like, "ok, i need a payday loan," so they'd get three or four, and