my name is amanda joe devita, resident of west virginia and mother to be very patient children waiting by the door of a dare. i'm from southern west virginia. often times known as the coalfield area of west virginia. my father is a minor. his father was a minor. going back at least seven generations on each side of our family that we are aware of. i am part of the first generation in my family to not work for a cocom today. we have historically been a state of very little opportunity am very few options. where i come from, environmental pollution from coal plants is not something we hear people argue about on the news. it's not an idea or issue we think about and put away. it's an issue we deal with on a daily basis. we wear it on our clothes, drink it in our water, of lungs. the pollution of my status in large part due to the way we keep our lights on. if you are from southern west virginia, used to live near a mine, a coal-fired power plant for processing plant. are surrounded by coal. coal fired power plants make up 95% of the energy generation of west virginia. 50 years ago, that w