story of laura herself, and i had the opportunity to meet laura's parents today who came down from nevada county to share their story, nick and amanda wilcox, their daughter laura who did not suffer from mental illness but was a bright 19 year old rising is junior in college back east who lived on the coast of the nevada boarder here in california who was tragically shot and killed by someone who did suffer from mental illness and someone whose parents were seeking help and someone who simply, there were no options in their county. and it doesn't have to be this way. parents, families and friends shouldn't feel helpless at a time they are in need. they should feel supported by their city and community and the mental health services offered by the city and their county that meets those needs. if laura's law were in place in nevada county at the time and if it is in place here in san francisco, the tragedies that belie those families don't need to take place any more. now across our country there is a mental health crisis. there was a report last week that came out in a national publication that over 43 million individuals in the unit