so there is sasha cardenas, corey howe's, and amanda lightner. come up, but i need to get the timer going. okay. my name is sasha card no response, a cmatc massage therapist and owner of in line body establishment for other practitioners. i have dedicated my adult life to the legitimate body work and treat chronic and acute pain disorders, many of them referred to me by physicians and surgeons. i have invested thousands of dollars and thousands of hours to my training and certification and on going education and study. yet because i provide hands-on therapy, city officials that despite going through background checks and certification, i'm a prostitute otherwise and it can seem to have a negative impact on the community. i have witnessed firsthand the laborious process can be for a business. i went into business myself 5 years ago after the place i worked with struggled to get a conditional use permit. it forced to assume the burden of hours and to obtain this permit. i will most certainly lose my business and livelihood and as more legitimate es