alsong us from san jose is amanda stossel with. assistant professor of wildfire management at the center, llo to you both. >> hello. >> hi. >> craig, let's start with you, you look at the skies this week and thoughthings like we are on mars, it's the end of times. or even blade runner. whatid you think a fire meteorologist, who has a much more nuanced view of what's going on. when you look at those oranges skies, not just in terms of the weather but in termof our new wildfire normal here in california. >> the first thing i thought was that's a lot of smoke. i think most people in northern california had not seen this much smoke er. so, that is pretty scary and daunting. ma to e think that this could be the future of our next so, it was pretty apocalyptic. >> that's the word that seems that was used over and over again thispast week. this new center is your brainchild, you created it because you saw a really specific and critical need in our knowledge for wildfire information. what are some of the unknowns that you are hoping to ans