amara, your thoughts on this?ire to overturn obergefell any more. when you see these lawmakers in nine states try to undermine it, it's clear what they're trying to do. they got the green light. they got the signal. we've seen this playbook before. a supreme court justice kind of signals out there, hey, you know, you can change this through lawfare. somebody goes out and starts to bring case after case after case through the pipeline of the judiciary, with the hopes that one of them gets to this specific supreme court. and as we saw with roe versus wade being overturned. we see obergefell and hodges overturned. >> yeah. >> i mean, i think that, you know, what we saw during mccarthyism was a witch hunt based upon people's supposed political beliefs and associations. and i think what we're seeing here is a fundamental denial of people's rights based upon who they are, which i think actually raises the level of concern here. right. are we looking at something that has more in common with the worst of america's past,