. >> why it is amarosa. >> i believe it is amarosa. >> let's call the whole thing off. this is the most times her name has been mentioned in the past 10 years. >> lastly there was an islamic slave trade. >> there was? he validated -- thank you, andy wherever he went. he is walking down the hall looking for a candy bar. >> he is trying to get on the phone to buy one of the action figures. >>> coming up, what is love? baby don't hurt me, hurt me no more. a strange message that was sent to me. why does the president loathe women? a fair and balanced look at this kenyan born lady hater. >>> women helped him prevail, and yet he favored white and male. president obama, if that's his real name, has nominated a bunch of men to serve in top national security positions including head of the cia, secretary of state and secretary of defense. and not helping matters he picked women to be secretary of vacuuming and secretary of doing the dishes. >> what? >> the washington post said supporters are irked by the shortage of ladies in prominent jobs especially after making women's issues