they were selling the rights toel it, sng access ey amasked. they haveccesstth to hundreds of millions of facee in data that goes with those faces to the point where theyy alle can match a face over 90 percent of the time time and they're selling to local police departments all ove the country . orlando has been very into it. ill be interesting how that plays out. how does let's be honest much we kwplace there's surveillance cameras out amassing a database of goinb your face and everybody's faces it's typically tough we just willing turn over to them. i mean w doesn't have their face mewhere o their facebook page in obviously they're going to be able to access t and in bad circumstances ty're going to be able to share that with bad actors in the government and elsewhere. we're looking at some video right now of filters, snap chat, instagr apple to some extent has some things the way y manipulate photos and the camera. one of our guys here and i told them when we booked you tonight because this is something he asked me quite a bit about,ef you t