once again, amay want and surprise. i am surprised that we are even questioning abandment over children over maybe a few feet and over maybe some extra cars in the neighborhood. that is the most amazing thing i have heard from in ages. we just got a report that children and families are abandoning this city left and right. now we take children who have no families to take care of them, to help and support them as they grow into adulthood and if they're going to be supported, it's up to our institutions to do it and now we tell them go out on the street -- or whatever you go, let somebody else take care of it. i know it's politically incorrect to talk about racism these days. people always want to claim that you're playing the race card but i'm old enough to know that race ain't a game. but i will say that my daddy taught me a long time ago that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck. brothers and sisters, you got yourself a duck. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good evening president