they are amazhin modelelyanenko and our other compatriot. i ate the brand of walking.hese are based on my phantasmagoric stories about. the life of these great masters of the artistic olympus amash, in itself there is one of the versions, this is partly plagiarism, who is well acquainted with the essence of us, he, of course, recognizes the bitch works in our o mashes, he recognizes the modillas. he recognizes undeniably a chagall, but the obvious fact is that our am is fundamentally different from the work of these legendary authors. speaking of essence, no, he is not a narrative painter of his portraiture . she is lonely enough. you can say that it is impossible to confuse it with anything. it's a vibrating canvas, this pen brush, and hmm , vague outlines of hands, big eyes, ears, but and so on. this is what attracts. in our cars, we see a completely different story. this is story work. this return of the essence to belarus, he returns with his all, and the characters, which hmm, in principle, are his portrait heroes in belarus, he receives a letter from his mother.