amazoneffect, everyone is familiar with the boxes coming in. ate, the cardboard we can handle and cha size of the blue bin, the problem is what's inside. whether it's a meal delivery kit or something with bubble wrap coming from or styrofoam peanuts from out of state, those meal delivery kits are the bane of our existence with the gel freezer,s styrofoam insulaandti a popular. so, fully two-thirds of our litter to cups and straws, so find ways to reduce what's bought and purchased and increase reuse. so how are we addressing those challenges? those challenges are front and center in our thinking every da an we are working on them daily. so, one of thetems we doins we are buffing up our construction and demolition program. we are in the process of adopting new regulations. identifying the bad actors, working with other agencies who have similar problems with lalls nt disclosing information, so we are working very hard to incase the success of thatprogram. and we e to go on that. with recology, working on the city-wide recycling rollout, you will