he wasn't well-known, though he has an impressive track record of being ambac-- ambassador to china,nd mitt are very close, newt and mitt are very close, a sentence you don't often utter. >> ron paul is also doing well in iowa, and romney has been about 23% the entire time. >> dave: the only criticism i hear of mitt romney is he's kind of stiff. why doesn't he loosen up. he ain't going loosen up. that is the guy he is. is that the worst thing we have in the white house say guy who's not, you know, wacky? he's not like-- gallagher or something, you know-- i mean is that really the worst thing you could say about him. >> that's true, yeah. the christmas parties would be great, though, if he was gallagher. >> dave: well, sure, don't kid yourself there. now listen, anderson, now you do this new year's eve thing. >> right. >> dave: and are you out there in the cold all night long. >> with cathy griffin. >> dave: and she's fun to be with, right? >> yeah, exhausting, but yeah, i mean we're friends and i like her but she-- you know, it's very cold out there but i never sweat more than i do i