. >> uh-huh. >> trevor: and just to catch anyone up who doesn't know, amber kaufman tweeted about havinguess he was a producer. >> publicist, yes. >> trevor: and he had sexually assaulted her. and you came out and your voice made it heard. it was really a tough conversation to have, i mean it seems like an obvious thing but why did you feel like it needed to be amplified. >> well, i mean, let's be real. like sexism and sexual harassment and sexual, you know, this idea of women being sexually assaulted, it's everywhere. it doesn't exist just in my industry which is music. but as a woman, i felt it was so important to support my peer, my female peer. and i didn't realize that it was going to become such a huge thing when i-- . >> trevor: you didn't? >> i really didn't. i thought like, you know, what, i'm going to back amber because that is what i feel i should do. this is an incredibly important conversation that needs to be had. and the next morning i woke up, it was huge. and all of a sudden i was like okay, i'm a spokesperson for this now. but i'm so happy for that because it is a huge,