thank you. >> chairman: next speaker. >> good afternoon, mime name is amber sheldon. i'm a drug user and a san franciscan for many, many years. so there has been a lot of issues brought up about taxpayers shouldn't be paying for drug treatment and for all of these other issues, but actually what would happen with these sites would be saving taxpayers money from ambulance rides, e.r. visits, hep "c" and h.i.v. treatment. there would be way less bacterial infections, and many less overdoses. there has never been the spread of h.i.v. or hep "c" or ove overdose in a site like this around the world. as far as services goes, there are -- there is not enough drug treatment in this city currently. all of the time i have people coming in and asking me to help get them into treatment. there are people who want to help themselves. the fact of the matter is, if they have to wait weeks or months and jump through many, many hoops in order to get into these treatments -- the easiest way to get into drug treatment in san francisco is to get incarcerated. the safe injection facilities