along this time, there was a man amed f.j. haines working for the railroad as their photographer and he began to see , its lity of the park scenic value, both in scenery and as a business. 1883, he made himself the park's official photographer and started coming in each summer to take photographs of the park and sell them as part of his business. but in 1887, f.j. was one of the first people to go into the park in the winter time and he took 42 glass plate pictures, but the photographs that he brought out were amazing. these were -- this is a picture by e group that was going the cliffs. here's a picture of the lower part of the basin. the winter of 1897. and what's interesting is that this shows -- this is the upper geyser basin and shows people on skis moving through the snow. one of the best pictures i like is here -- this is the lower falls. if you look real close, you can see the ice dome that builds in ront of the falls as the spray comes down. as he was given the photographic concession, the concession contained -- he made a g