. >> we have two, we have amelio cruise followed by jim patrick. >> and there are any other members that like to speak during this time, feel free to line up after these two speakers. >> good morning, cruise. madam president and members of the board, happy valentines day. your hearts are warmed by those close to you today. i have served as the program manager for the led consultant team and i also served in that capacity when that contract was initially awarded from 2004 to 2007. i would like to thank the executive director ayerdi-kaplan and you, to work on such an important and significant project. i believe that organizations are organic and as much, they evolve there needs change, a decided for myself that given the evolution of the organization, it is added to the current time and place that it is a good time for me to leave, as the program progresses, you will undoubtly be faced with difficult decisions. i wish you insight to know the fortitude to ask and the stamina to stay the course on implementing the facility. it is important for the economy and the region and will be an exampl