why that provision is in there, especially, since on two occasions they deliberately voted down amendmes that said, well,hy don't you apply the traditional checks that are -- by the way, these are on over 71 different federal welfare programs, okay? you use this type of check to determine whether the person is eligible. i mean, that's what you do. it's not only just a check for illegals, it's also a check for employment verification, okay, so if you say you come in and youhave income of x, well, the government determines whether your income is that low or whether you are, in fact, eligible. th bill says, no, we ain't checking nothing, okay? you come in -- it's self-proclaimed. if you proclaim that you're eligible for thi we're going to let you in. andf you proclaim that you're a u.s. citizen or that you're otherwise eligible, you're in and we will never check you. there's only one reason for doing that. and it's because they deliberately intend all illegal immigrants, both current and future, toeceive free medical care at the expense of the u.s. taxpayer. >> thank you. we'll take questio