watched as a ameraasnaps & speedinggmotorists ut tth school children iisssupposed po protect...are nn& beefound. ((8:000 ((onnelly) ""e really don't have any school traffic no grade school kids or youuner piis. we doosee some oggers from the university...." & yoo'll be hard-oressed to find -3 'speed camera eligible'.... (begin animation) there are dozens of sccooos throughout the city......andd when the halffmile around them bbcomes a school zone......the & majority of thee city....becomes speee camera eligible..... (1:27:30) only places in the city thaa aren't in sshhol zones includde this slivvr of land along cold (2:03:50) ((bell) "or the dozzn of acres here at clifton park are free from speed cameras too...." (3:53:30) (abell) "oo here & in the heart of druid hill &pis mmre than a half-mmle pway...making most of ttis park speeddcamera-free...." p2:30) (jimmbrochin) "this is goveenment run amuckk they'reeputting the cameras down and looking or schools second....." state senator are turring up in places &plawmakers nevee nvisionee. sponsoring legislation which would shrink the size