but oh wait that's right they will take for example the american college of forensic examiners the american college of forensic examiners institute is an independent scientific organization serving professionals across many fields. sounds great right now according to pro publica is only a bartos all it took for her to get this store to pick it from the eighth the f.b.i. was four hundred ninety five dollars and a ninety minute online class and an online test so what's being done now one lawmaker is proposing a bill to create a new office of forensic science in you guessed it the justice department which is a really troubling thought and i think the worst part about all this is the justice department's defense when it comes to not making sure the defendants knew about the faulty forensics of testimony according to them they quote and that their legal and constitutional obligations by telling the prosecutors wow so far finding our earth finding out of there was faulty evidence that was used possibly putting innocent people behind bars and keeping that to themselves but a part of justice is tonight's top. it's time for happy hour and