he was a distiller of whiskey the father oflled the american foxhound. he had at any given point of to 30 different foxhounds. two of which were named drunkard and tipsy and she had an intense fear of being buried alive, which, believe it or not, was not terribly uncommon in the 1700s peel -- 1700s. people were dying of cholera and smallpox, and they were thought to be catatonic from their diseases and prematurely buried. he lived with an intense fear of being buried alive. he will never be outflanked militarily. only military ranking above five-star general that allows him to never be outranked and he was also the only president to never live in the white house. it wasn't until john -- john adams came around that he began to occupy the white house. from, i believe a throat infection or tracheal inflammation or something, and they called it bloodletting, where they were blood letting him and his last words to the well."ere "tis andrew, although it is tough to see from here, he had some actual -- he is the only sculpture here that mr. hankins attempted to