american public. there is not a lack of oil and there is not a lack of common sense. >> this is for old foeg gis like me. we remember the s&l crisis, the savings and loan crisis. it was disastrous. we never hear about that anymore. what happened then to get folks in check? what did our -- what went right and why shouldn't we been able to do that now? >> well, what went right is we went through a lot of regulations over those savings and loans. we don't have those problems anymore. we have to go back into these big banks that, quote, are too big to fail. they are too big to fail, because as taxpayers, we bail them out when they fail. we are going to have to put some rules back in and say, guys, you can't do some of the crazy things you were doing with this derivative market and let things go down. iag, big banks, it doesn't make any difference. >> give me some examples, you investigated these guys and tried to hold them accountable. tell me what you did get your hands on and how hard it was to prosecute and push everything through because of the power of money? >> money talks. money buys expensive law