american indian or alaska native 1%, african-american 5, asian 14, filipino 1.7, lancontinue x21. white 52%, two or more races 2.4%. socioeconomicicly disadvantaged 10. others have referenced it with generally the schools that we have. >> fenly those numbers are verified what we submitted. >> in my view the charter is going to be renewed. if we don't renew it, it will go to the state. i want to make sure you do what you say you are going to do. i know superintendent matthews visited the school and mentioned what he saw in terms of the stark disparity in terms of students of color and nonstudents of color. can you talk about the numbers here? >> specific diversity? >> christina can speak specifically to income kindergarten. i can also pull that data and send it to you. >> i mean, i think in a sense you guys have worked hard and have a full-time person who is working around it. >> we have recognized it despite our hard efforts. we need a structural mechanism to allow access. we had 100 families self-reported they qualify for free or reduced price lunch apply in the lottery this acade