old guys it's that time of the year again it's national banned books week and the american library association has put out its annual list of the most frequently censored books in libraries across the country yes you heard me right it's two thousand and thirteen and there are still many fervent attempts to ban books from schools bookstores and libraries of here in america in fact since one thousand nine hundred eighty two it's estimated that more than eleven thousand books have been challenge to larry a slate this includes the banning of ray bradbury's fahrenheit four fifty one a book whose premise centers entirely on book banning here's a clip from its film adaptation. you turn them delicious and then. you don't like books. because i just ran. a story. that's just so much rubbish. definitely interest. and why do some people still reap the dangers. it was initially because of this for a bit why is it. why is it for been a good question and they're not hundreds of books have been pulled from the shelves not right for a bit in and us libraries of the for graphic language or uncomfortable subject