of american missionaries that moved to beirut. spread mission basis but also hospitals and schools, most famously american university in beirut. at princeton, he went on to teaching dartmouth before accepting the presidency of the college in 1946. eddie was a man of protestant confidence who envisioned a new world order constructed out of enchanting crude. in 1940, while traveling and recruiting for financial support for his school, he lectured on quote, the power of god in the secular world, which implored laypeople to be the quote, shock troops of the church, and raise up each sector of the globe. you and i, he declared, who believe in christendom are not doomed to weakness. we serve the only totalitarian king. we who follow christ need to cover ourselves with tolerance, reverence, and charity. and then wherever we walk, we shall find ourselves standing on holy ground. within months, eddie was acting on this imperative. serving as an officer for the office of strategic services. eventually of course the cia, to survey arabia for subsurface crude, gain knowledge of its people and their faith in a law and bringing the u.s. to u