what a lot of people do not realize is that your chance, if you are just a typical americann , of a falling into poverty sometime during your four years of working life is one of three. the poverty rate keeps on going up. it is not just them. it is everybody now after the great recession knows that they have a pretty good chance of falling into poverty. so when i talk about the middle or working class, i am talking about everybody. everybody except the people at the very top. the people at the top -- when i talk like this, people say, you are a class of order. i said that, i am not a class warrior. i am a class worrier. i am worried about what is happening in this country. when a record amount is at the top in wealth -- we have not seen this since 1928. you know what happened in 1929 with the great crash. we cannot hope for a great economic recovery. tavis: i think our hubris as americans, are false sense of pride, it does not allow us to wrestle with the fact that historically there is no am part in the world that did not -- no empire that at some point did not fail. i raise that to ask wh