in the air-conditioning if you live in e americansouth.s are the things that make the quality of life better for everyone at the same time and hands down it is a winner for everyone. and one of the reasons -- john: that is a necessary byproduct of freedom in your opinion? >> here's the thing -- john: can i get a yes or no? >> economic inequality happens. they create value for everyone. and he helped to develop what was used in the operating room and the gurney is better in that room and bill gates by one office package at the time made life better for all of us in ways that we take for granted because we didn't see good things happening. john: the pope apparently does. income inequality is part of financial speculation and this is a new theory. >> it requires us engaging with those of us around the world. but if you look at the government systems i the free enterprise system, it has provided this supported throughout history. >> one point about fairness. corporations do things that they say will make life more fair. here's the commercial f