strength and isngth perceived as maybe just crazy enough by our enemies that they will not against americast and america's interests around the world becausarou wore they o that the retaliatory response will be absolutely devastating . this is what president trump was conveying there, that he directly conveyelyd it to the chinese, to the russians, north koreans, terroristrussia organizations around the world, that if you lift a finger agains.t the states who are our interests, we will destroy you and our enemies knew that he meant what he said. american weakness is actually very provocative. and that's what we're seeing now under joe biden. and the contrast is so stark between the strength trump and the weakness of biden, janine, that i think most of american voters absolutely see that and they're willing to vote on that nexto year. miranda, 15 seconds on that. ae yes, look, i agree with everything. and joe biden has really put the country peril the world in i peril. and that's something i thinks se that will be one of donald trump's number one policy attractions going forward, as well as, i