and when the american guys s are doing everything right, yeah, it's very difficult for r the americn fishsherman to c compete witithe foreign fish and the foreieign pricing g that comes into it. rudie: when n i was 16, , i lead to scuba-dive. i just love being in the ocean, and then i saw an opportunity to become a sea urchin diver, so i learned to process sea urchins, first in my garage, so i then started diving during the day, processing in the evening, and delivering to sushi bars, so i had a couple tough years, but we learned to start buying local seafood. i started buying lococal lobststes and locacal swordfisish and othr locacal fish, , and i started buying out t of baja a californ. i starteded buying g groupersrsd snappepers and scallops out t of bajaja californinia and diveverd thee business. [saw whirring] we buy directly from boatats. we know who we're buying from, and then we take care of the quality and get it to our different customer levels, w whether it'sa wholesaleler in san f franciscor whether it'ss a restaururant hee in san diego or an individual who walks in the door. we'll b