there were more than a half million young people who wanted to go into americore. that is one of the things we talked about. you can multiply that across service opportunities. if we want citizens to be better informed, why do we do such an inadequate job of teaching our kids citizenship and government in high school. my kids went to a great public high school and they were able to take the a.p. state and local government class. it is a great class. something like that should be available to all of our students. it is useful and it is civic. i have a long list of if we want people to -- if we want people to engage in the public debate, why do we make it so unattractive? you know, imagine tv ads for projects that are like the ones we have in politics. if you buy that guy's burgers, you will be poisoned. if you fly that airline, you will crash. if you invest with this firm, they will embezzle your money. politics is the only thing that advertises against itself. if we want people to be since the, which is about something we do together, why do we wrap ourselves exclu