today she's professor ameritus at uc santa cruz. she lectures and travels the world.the college campus at uc santa cruz. 40 years ago you were far removed from santa cruz. you were an active member of black freedom struggle. >> well, actually, a little over 40 years ago i was teaching at ucla, and because i was fired from my position in the philosophy department there my whole story began. so you might say that it's trajectory from one campus to another campus with a lot of interesting, dangerous, exciting encounters in between. >> one of those major encounters obviously was, i think, the third woman in american history to be on the fbiee most wanted list. >> that's interesting because i had forgotten. i had actually repressed that fact, and i was speaking somewhere and someone introduced me as the third woman in history to have been placed on the fbi's most wanted list and everybody in the audience applauded. >> right. right. at that moment in history is almost like an honor to be pursued in that way because you were fighting for black liberation, no? >> but it wa