the amicanental asciation has designated febary as ildren's dental health month.. to raise awarness r both kids antheir pares about the nefi of ginning proper oral hygeine at a young ag. experts say that inclus teachinghildren how to brush their teeth, developing andiusng the dangers of some d. it agoim bri kids in to the oic-- justo show them that tre's nothing to be scared of. 24:3 bri in their chd even if theye not a regular patient -- as early as thr.. puthem in thchair d let them be the dentist fothe da. count thr teeth.. and that fir vit lets them ow tre's really nothing to worry abouwh they co. kids typically starto lose their "by et around age 6 --nd typically have tir permanent te age 12. for more health stories... just head to "yourealthy" tonight at six. mo parts of southern colorado e una refl waing. strong contito cse problems across our area. oute is live---keeping an eye on t trouble-spots. first here's mike in first alert 5. a highind warming continues unl 5astrong wind sts from 20'snd 30's. fr wilbetly sunny an mild withighs in the0's, 60