. >> amie alden. the bread before you today as the buffer zone protection program. this is a grant from the u.s. department of homeland security that is designed to protect critical infrastructure. the grants go from the fed's to our state, cal ema, to local law enforcement to enhance security around critical infrastructure. examples include power plants, dams, stadiums, financial institutions. part of homeland security works with law-enforcement to identify the site that may have some risks associated with it and to identify specific threats and vulnerability. they grant money to the local un force the agency to enhance planning, equipment, and training in the to mitigate the risk to the side. for this grant, the department of homeland security is given approximately $200,000 off to the san francisco police department for equipment. specifically, equipment used by the bomb squad and four interoperable radio equipment. department of medicine management is a fiscal agent for this grant, which is why i am here. there is no local match to this funding. free money for t