you have gotten a prescription for amikind. you're holding it in your hand. you haven't decided what to do, so you turn to your family members-- and you have a large family-- and many people who are willing to guide you. let's begin with your brother-in-law, dr. lawler. and your brother, art caplan. he looks more like an uncle but... good. in any case, ask them for guidance. okay. well, listen guys. camilla has really had a hard year at school. and if it was just a matter of keeping her cheery, keeping her happy, sparing her any disappointment in life, you know, i'd go along with some of these friends of mine who are telling me happiness is not the be all, end all. that's not the most important thing about somebody's childhood. but i just have the feeling, seeing her when she comes home at the end of the day. that it's more than just... she's not having fun. she's really missing out on you know, the world of people, and friendships, and connections. what do you think? is it worth trying to do something to her brain to open up that world of, you know, human re