feeling on that is they went a long way, sending the number two in the organization, amina muhammad,ho is also a female muslim, to afghanistan, and they got absolutely nothing from the taliban in return. in fact, the taliban just hardened their position. so i think the u.n. will say they have been engaging with the taliban. but as you say, it's very hard for the u.n., because there are two roads they could take, and neither of them are ones that they really want to take, and there's division within the u.n. circles, there's division between the political side of the u.n. and the humanitarian side. now, the humanitarians are saying, yes, it's awful that the women can't work, but we must not stop the delivery of humanitarian aid. the figures are quite stunning with 97% of afghans living in poverty, and the u.n. really struggling with the money. it's only got 6% of the funding that it needs this year. so a really serious situation and secretary general says it's the worst humanitarian situation anywhere on earth. the political side of of the u.n., they are saying something slightly diff