you're telling me, evil amongors, unamerican. you want to worry about language? let's hear about ed shultz today. roll what ed shultz had to say today. are you familiar? >> yes, i am. >> actually, he said it tuesday. >> sometimes i think they want obama to get shot. i do. i really think that there are conservative broadcasters in this country who would love to see obama taken out. they fear socialism. they fear marxism. they feel the united states of america won't be the united states of america anymore. >> i don't totally agree with everything that ed said. i'm not as far to the left as ed is. >> no. but you are an ideologue. >> i am not. >> you are pursuing an agenda. >> absolutely not. >> you're upset because i'm expressing my opinion. >> i think ed shultz put his finger on something that is important. day in and day out. >> finger on something important? >> there are people, lou, i don't want to call any names, but there are broadcasters out there saying day after day after day that white house is preparing is concentration camps. that there are death panels