that after 10 years, you'll probably have paid out $16,000 and your bill by then will be $169, $170 amonthyou would be out that much money and you would have a higher bill and look forward to, hopefully not, but probably increasing rent payments for ever and ever paying it off. can solar beat that? that's where you want to start. if it can't, don't buy it. if it can plus all of the other benefits, it's a great deal. there is ways to reduce the cost and eliminate the sticker shock and one of these ways is the california solar initiative, that wonderful law that we started at the beginning of the year. the incentives are of two kinds. if you win the lottery, you can either take an upfront payment or you can take an ongoing payment for x number of years. the same thing applies here. you can take what's called an epbb which is one of the world's great ack named called expected performance-based buydown which is a mouthful for rebate. the payment is by watt of capacity. so that's what you're going to get right up front to knock down the cost. if it was $25,000 or $30,000, that's a lot, but you