middle-class americans pay a higher share of their incomm in taxes than some mmlllonairee and billionai" amounnit... during the election... after the break governor martin how to proceed....// after... lawmakers.../ left annapolis... with... unfinished usiness.... business.... they... adjouuned ...without agreeing on a plan... to fund the state's ...new... 35-billion dollar ...operating budget...//. ááthatáá means... drastic cutt... are... imminent.../ unless the governor ...orders.../ lawmakers ...baak to annapolis.../ to... agree on ...a.. funding plan. (2:00) (o'malley) "i don't think anybody is proud of he service that'' been done by the budget most will recognize its not heir bess work. i hope we can get it to" together." thh governor the governor says.../ he'll meet... with leaders... of the house and senatt.../ next week... what move to makk next. 3& here's... our question of the day, .../ is... the governor ...focusing ennugh... on state issues? issues? head to our faceboookkpage.../ by... searching.../ fox balttmore... from your profile.../ and... let us know ...what you think.../ p ab