that's what i forgot, ampreg nation. -- ampreg nation. and another thing, governor, why are you even mentioning this when talking about drugs. heroin, that's illegal. interracial sex is legal. they're equally addictive, but still, only one is a crime. only one is a crime. so let's make like a refugee and move on to germany. which spent this past weekend curled up with an interesting book. adolf hitler memoir mein kampt is on sale in germany for the first time since world war ii and the first printing sold out quickly. >> trevor: yeah, that's right. it sold out, mein kampt sold out, every copy in germany was bought in just a week. what the hell, germans! like did you want to buy it before it went back into the disney vault? what were you rushing for? i don't understand this. like now to be said the he are issue was an annotated copy. german scholars have written notes to show how wrong hitler was and they think this will disswaid future hitlers or something am but people only read the headlines, people read germans buy mein kampt again, li