struggling to keep pace with the rising demands of younger and more active veterans with amputatio amputations. prosthetic care is unlike any other care provided by the department. prosthetic devices particularly prosthetic limbs quite literally become a part of their owner. requiring the integration of body, mind and machine. the goal is not just to teach amputees to walk or use an artificial arm or hand, but to provide multidisciplinary continuing care to maintain long-term and lifetime functions and quality of life. which is why i am troubled by the department's proposed changes to prosthetic procurement policies and procedures. the forthcoming reforms will among other things take prosthetic purchasing authority from prosthetic providers and transfer them to the contracting officers. this is alarming to me as we will hear soon it is also alarming to many of today's witnesses. i would like to read a quote from captain prudhomme a wounded warrior himself who states in his testimony that we see no prospect that this planned change in prosthetic procurement holds any promise for improving sfrss