in general, these people were jack of all trades, so to speak, 1868 amr, that is, in 1940, such a salty 72 years old. here such was dockerven. here after this long respectful story. we are handing you over to the bright hands of dr. shubin in a professional manner and dmitry nikolaevich explain to us what he does? nikolaevich says i 'm coming to you. with this hand. what are you doing? here it means, look at our brush our guests. the first finger here is a metacarpophalangeal joint. next look, this is blue. that's the way it should be. these are the tendons of the tendon. here they are here they are and further muscles. here they are bending. first fingers. here , the tendon ligament passes under this ligament, and in this area inflammation edema occurs. we have to have fun right here. so you are doing it now. we will do it now. come on, it will really be before our eyes. this is a very short procedure, it is important only to get it competently and to a professional doctor is useful no returns. why, if you don’t, take precautions, stop typing with two fingers on the phone and pick up t